3rd January, 2019
Ideal mother and Baby Show Contest as 71st Independence Day Commemorative Ceremony were conducted at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter on 3rd January, 2019.
In this ceremony, MMCWA’s president Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung, vice president(2) Dr. Tin Nyo Nyo Latt, secretary Dr. Nwe Ni Ohn, auditor Dr. Khin Win Thet and central executive committee members, Naypyitaw public health officer, the paediatrician from Ottarathiri Child Specialist Hospital,the medical superintendent,OG specialist, sister and Nurses from Laiway 100 bedded hospital, chairman and secretary of Naypyitaw MCWA Supervisory Committee, chairman and secretaries of District and Township MCWA Supervisory Committee, Doctor and Nurse of Myittasanyay Clinic (MMCWA) and Executive Director Dr. May Chan Oo of IPPF Project, baby and their parents and other invited guests attended.
At the ceremony, the competition will be based body weight and height of the baby according to their age, hygiene, health,Immunization status and intellectual development. The babies were grouped at birth to three months, over three months to six months, over six months to one year, over one year to half a year, over half a year to two year, triplet (2), twins (4), altogether (72) competed.During the ceremony, MMCWA President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung delivered an opening speech. After that, president and central executive committee members gave the ideal mother award and the prizes to the winner and then honor gifts gave to the assessment child specialists, sister and nurses. The children who won in sports competition at Myitta Sanyay pre-school were also awarded.