Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association invites a Myanmar national committed person, well orientated with Reproductive Health Programmes to apply for a vacant post to be filled at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Nay Pyi Taw. This Person will be responsible to act as an Executive Director to the International Planned Parenthood Federation , East and South East Asia.
He or She will be responsible to
1. Provide leadership in developing Programme, Organizational and financial plans for IPPF in Line with Strategic goals and objectives of both IPPF and MMCWA in agreement with Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
2. Be able to prepare budgets and annual workplans and establish accountability standard for grant and budget tracking.
3. Ensure compliance with local and donor regulations.
4. Serve as a custodian of all legal and regulatory/Statutory documents and complies with relevant laws and regulations, both at Local and at IPPF Level.
5. Ensure Programme quality through development and implementation of standards and controls.
6. Assure proper planning, relationship building and communication with key persons concerned.
7. Be able to be abreast with significant trends in the Sexual and Reproductive Health.
8. Be able to promote active and broad participation by volunteers in all areas of work plan developed.
9. Prepare official correspondence on behalf of MMCWA to be sent to IPPF.
10. Prepare status and analytical reports as necessary and submit to IPPF through MMCWA.
11. Supervise other staff employed for IPPF and ensure harmonious team work.
12. Conduct other duties of MMCWA as assigned.
Qualifications and Experience required
1. A minimum of Master’s Degree in Public Health / Business Administration/ Management.
2. At least 10 years of overall Professional experience in a demonstrable broad programme, financial and operations management.
3. Experience in Family Planning or Women’s Health is an advanatage.
4. Good interpersonal and effective communication skills.
5. Be able to conduct Field Travel within the country.
6. Be able to speak and write good English.
7. Have good Computing and Computer Skills.
8. Age under 55 years is preferable.
The person who is interested in can send CV to MMCWA not later than 20th June 2018.