6th December, 2019
2019 World AIDS Day Commemorative Ceremony was conducted at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter on 6th December, 2019.
In this ceremony, Director General for Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw, Director General for Department of Traditional Medicine, Dr. Moe Swe, Deputy Director Generals, Directors, Deputy Directors and responsible persons from Ministry of Health and Sports, MMCWA President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung, Vice President (1) Prof. Dr. Mar La Win, Secretary Dr. Nwe Ni Ohn, Treasurer Dr. Le Le Yi and Central Executive Committee member Daw Than Than Sein, the responsible persons of National AIDS Program (NAP) Project, President and members of Myanmar Women Affairs Federation, the members of Myanmar Women and Child Development Federation, the member of Red Cross Society, the responsible persons of Nay Pyi Taw MCWA Supervisory Committee, Chairman and Secretaries of District MCWA Supervisory Committee, Chairman and Secretaries of Township MCWA Committee and other invited guests were attended.
At the ceremony, the Director General for Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw delivered an opening speech. After this, the Director General Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw, together with ceremony attendees, posed for a commemorative group photo and observed the World AIDS Day exhibits.
In the afternoon, the President and Central Executive Committee members conducted the round table discussions in Htantabin Village, Kyar Pin Village tract, Dekkhina Thiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw Territory Region.
Firstly, MMCWA President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung delivered an opening speech. Continuously, Deputy Director of National AIDS Program (NAP) Project, Dr. Pyae Sone presented about the HIV/ AIDS.
Then, MMCWA’s president Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung provided babies’ clothes and medicines to the pregnant women. And then, the round table discussions had started. In this round table discussion, the President and Central Executive Committee members from Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, responsible persons of National AIDS Program (NAP) Project, Doctor of Myitta Sanyay Clinic (MMCWA) and Executive Director Dr. May Chan Oo and responsible persons of IPPF Project, administrative staffs from Htantabin, volunteers, pregnant women and their husbands, adolescents, reproductive aged men and women, invites guests discussed about HIV/ AIDS.