13rd August, 2019
2019 World Breast Feeding Week and Nutrition Weeks Commemorative Ceremony was conducted in Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter on 13rd August, 2019. In this ceremony, Union Minister for Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Myint Htwe, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Mya Lay Sein, Permanent Secretaries, Director General, Deputy Director Generals and responsible persons from Ministry of Health and Sports, representatives of UNFPA,UNICEF and WHO, the President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung and Central Executive Committee members of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the President and members of Myanmar Association for Prevention, Care and Protection of Abandoned Children, the President and members of Myanmar Women Affairs Federation, the members of Myanmar Women and Child Development Federation, the president and members of Nay Pyi Taw MCWA Supervisory Committee, president and members of District MCWA Supervisory Committee, president and members of townships MCWA, pregnant women and their husbands, invited guests attended.
Firstly, the Union Minister for Ministry of Health and Sports, Dr. Myint Htwe delivered an opening remark.
And then, the Union Minister Dr. Myint Htwe and focal persons of MMCWA offered the iodine salt, medicines, clothes and nutrient rice to the pregnant women. And then, the Union Minister, Dr. Mying Htwe, MMCWA President and invited guests observed the activities photos of MMCWA.
As second part agenda, the president of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung delivered the opening speech.
Continuously, Deputy Director of nutrition Division, Dr. Lwin Mar Hlaing presented about the nutrition, followed by the Deputy Director of Child health development Division, Dr. Theingi Aung presented on breast feeding and supplementary feeding.
Then, the pregnant women who received antenatal care three times and above in Myitta Sanyay clinic, the lactating women and their husbands answered the questions about the nutrition awareness. The president and central executive committee members gave the prizes to the outstanding persons.