On 25th June and 26th June, 2017.
On 25th June and 26th June, 2017, they went to Mandalay region for monitoring and evaluation the community based TB care project monitoring project. President and central executive committee members from Mandalay MCWA Advisory, the focal persons from Public Health department and volunteers attended in this meeting. Firstly President of MMCWA delivered the opening speech and Dr. Yu Yu Wai explained the TB project. The focal persons from the TB project areas presented the strengths and weakness of their experiences. Then they offered 35 lakhs to the chief of Mandalay MCWA for uniform costs from 7 districts and 28 townships in Mandalay region.
Continuously, they checked the preschool in Patheingyi township and supported the necessary things. Then they went to Nat Yae Kan preschool, Taung Tha Man preschool, Myoma preschool in Amarapura township and supplied the tooth brushes, tooth pastes and curriculum books. Then they provided the contraceptive pills for Ohnchaw and Amarapura Myoma maternity homes.