23rd September, 2019
“Routine Immunization and Measles – Rubella Campaign (2019)” Advocacy meeting was conducted by cEPI( Central Expanded Programme on Immunization), Ministry of Health and Sports at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter on 23rdSeptember, 2019. In this ceremony, Director of Disease Control, Dr. Si Thu Aung, responsible persons from cEPI, representative of UNICEF,the President Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung and Central Executive Committee members of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association,Chairman, Secretaries and Members from MCWA Supervisory Committee of States/ Regions and Nay Pyi Taw territory and other invited guests attended.
Firstly, the Director of Disease Control Department, Dr. Si Thu Aung delivered an opening remark.And then, MMCWA’s president Prof. Dr. San San Myint Aung delivered the welcome remark. Afterwards, the officials from Ministry of Sports, representative from UNICEF and Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association President and members took documentary photos together with attendees at the meeting.
Continuously, Assistant Director of cEPI (Central Expanded Programme on Immunization), Dr. Aung Naing Oo presented about on Measles – Rubella Immunization, followed by the Assistant Director of cEPI, Dr. Aye Mya Chan Thar presented the Routine Immunization and Daw. Phyu Sin Wai, UNICEF presented on overview of PCA (Program Coordination Agreement) process and project, followed by Questions and answers session.