
31st July, 2019 4thWorkshop of Value Clarification and Attitude Transformation, VCAT was conducted in collaboration with Ipas from 31stJuly to 1st August, 2019 at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sports and Rotaplast International (USA) team, MMCWA had participated in the program for the operation of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for cleft lip, palate and burn patients at Three-hundred Bedded General Hospital, Pobbathiri township, Naypyitaw from 24th July to 4th
Waso Robes offering ceremony was held at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter on 12nd July, 2019. At the ceremony Naypyitaw, Leiway township, Pauk Myaing Monastery Sayadaw and Sahgas were attended.
5th June, 2019 “Value Clarification and Attitude Transformation, VCAT Workshop’’ was conducted in collaboration with Ipas from 5th  to 6th June, 2019 at Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Headquarter.
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (MMCWA) invites a Myanmar National committed person, well orientated with SHRiE (Sexual Reproductive Health in Emergency) Programmes to apply for a vacant post to be filled at MMCWA, Nay Pyi Taw.
